Next-GEN. Battery [@‚l‚‚”‚…‚’‚‰‚‚Œ‚“ & System Supply for  LIB, LMB and NaIB


Conductive Polymer Coating on Li metal -Cu anode  @PIOXCEL BIC-LC
@PIOXCEL BIC-LC anode@@Summary
This anode as BIC-LC : Buffer Insulator Coating on Li metal - Cu collector electrode has been developed under
Collaboration with Australian govermental Research Organization, so called CSIRO. This innovative conductive membrane
coating on Li metal foil is to overcome three main disadvanges of Li metal itself consisting of occurance of dendrite, lower
coulombic efficiency and risk of Safety. The thicknesi‚”j of BIC membrane is available for supply in the market in the range
of 5 to 40 ƒÊ‚@t.@The thinner of this membrane layer the higher coulombic efficiency of BIC-LC anode.@

@Product Table
Piotrek is only supplier of this BIC-LC electrode in the global market. And expanding supply materials
and divices installing this BIC-LC anode in Lithium Metal Battery cell to promote providing partially or
full turn key based licensing technology.

     Alway listening carefully requirements on this BIC-LC electrode from customers so as to meet
specification and performance of BIC membrane comforming to market needs with our best and
enhancing efforts in continuous attitude.
Standard Package specification  4 sheets in a box unit  
                       Please select how many units you require.
     BIC processing Li metal - Cu collector electrode
BIC processing(¦)  One side  or Both side

Li metal thickness    20ƒÊ‚ or 40 ƒÊ‚

‚b‚• ‚ƒ‚‚Œ‚Œ‚…‚ƒ‚”‚‚’ ‚”‚ˆ‚ƒ‚‰‚‹‚Ž‚…‚“‚“ 10ƒÊ‚

Li 50‚˜50‚‚
Li 100x100mm

@@@@@@@@(¦) Standard thickness grades of one sideF@   5, 10, 20, 40ƒÊm
Cu 50‚˜75‚‚
 Cu 100‚˜150‚‚
@@@@@@@@Please consult with us whenever you require BIC-LC anode.

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